Welcome to WriterHouse

Promoting the Creation and Appreciation of Writers 

WriterHouse believes that everybody has a story to tell and that our stories express community and individual values. Writing has the power to heal and transform lives by deepening understanding and empathy. WriterHouse aspires to give everyone the most effective literary tools to tell their stories and find their audience.

Our Class Offerings 

We offer a diverse range of writing classes, providing expert instruction in fiction, memoir, creative non-fiction, poetry, and special workshop topics. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our classes cater to both members and non-members, fostering a supportive community where creativity thrives. Learn more about our classes on our Classes page

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Here’s what some of our students are saying about WriterHouse...

"WriterHouse is a community that promotes the creation and appreciation of writing"

“WriterHouse is wonderful. I just recently moved here and WriterHouse is a fantastic resource, offering both community and an excellent range of classes.”

“I love the camaraderie and professionalism of WriterHouse. Bravo!”

Read More Testimonials 

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WriterHouse, Inc. is a non-profit organization, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and registered as a charitable organization with the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs. A financial statement is available from the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request. 

Contact Us

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 222
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Physical Address

508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22902

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