“WriterHouse is wonderful. I just recently moved here and WriterHouse is a fantastic resource, offering both community and an excellent range of classes.”
"Love the camaraderie, the exchange of knowledge, the feedback. No way I would have started writing in this way without WriterHouse.”
"I know the only reason I was able to go from a newbie writer to having interest from top literary agents in 18 months was because of the lessons I learned at WriterHouse. So thank you, WriterHouse! “
“I love WriterHouse. I have decided to become a member.”
“It was easy to register for class. The topics offered are often engaging.”
“WriterHouse does great work in making the students comfortable and happy.”
“WriterHouse is a treasure for the literary community in Charlottesville. If you are seasoned or writer or a novice, WriterHouse can help you pursue your interest in writing with high-quality teachers who are compassionate and students who are interested as you are in writing.”