Get Involved!

WriterHouse is always looking for volunteers to serve on our board of directors or to help with a variety of events we facilitate during the course of the year. If you’re interested in serving on our board of directors, please send us an email at programs@writerhouse.organd let us know how you might support our organization through service on the board. In general, we need individuals with experience in legal issues, financial management, nonprofit management, community outreach, and writing and publishing.

During the year, we offer a wide variety of events, from fundraising events to free literary events, including free workshops and free author events. If you would like to volunteer for us in this capacity, please send us an email at and let us know what your interests are and your availability to help. If you have other ideas of how you might help WriterHouse, please let us know—we’re all ears!


WriterHouse, Inc. is a non-profit organization, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and registered as a charitable organization with the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs. A financial statement is available from the State Office of Consumer Affairs in the the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services upon request. 

Contact Us

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 222
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Physical Address

508 Dale Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22902

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